Cassette Tape C2C Crochet Pattern | Free Download

Get crafting with the C2C Digital Crochet Pattern â€“ a downloadable crochet graphgan design inspired by retro video game graphics. Perfect for creating nostalgic blankets, pillows, or wall art, this pattern offers easy-to-follow charts and in combination, creates endless customization options. Download now and start stitching!

Why it was cool: Whether it was recording songs off the radio or making the perfect mixtape for a friend (or crush), cassettes were life. And don’t forget the trusty pencil for rewinding when the tape got all tangled up. Flashback moment: The stress of waiting to hit ‘record’ right when your favorite song came on the radio—no interruptions, please!

Check out my blog for more projects that’ll totally take you back!

Click here to download the pattern

Or scroll down to see the written portion if you prefer.

Check out the rest of my free crochet patterns â€“ happy collecting!

Check me out on Pinterest as well – I am collecting from all over, see you there!

Cassette Tape

*where there is white I like to add in a white glow-in-the-dark yarn, but it is optional!

Also, feel free to change up the background color and the stripes/wheels to your liking – maybe you have an overall feel for the blanket if you are stitching a bunch of blocks together? For this one I just left it white to show that you can make a square block or just the cassette itself (both pattern options listed below). Customization’s are endless!

The best part of these graph patterns is that you can use any weight of yarn you would like. I like to stick with using the hook the yarn manufacturer recommends on the packaging, and using the same weight and brand for the entire block if you can (and the entire project if you are assembling a bunch of blocks together for a blanket).

Begin from the bottom left corner – diagonal row 1, as shown on the chart. Turn and continue with diagonal row 2 from left to bottom. Turn and continue with diagonal row 3 bottom to left, etc.

Starting points for each row:

For each of the squares in each row, the letter indicates the color – see the corresponding color legend below. The number indicates how many squares of that color you need to make. For example, A6 = color A in the next 6 squares. The number in brackets at the end references the total number of squares for that row.


  1. FULL SQUARE (this includes all 59 rows)
  2. RECTANGLE OF THE CASSETTE ONLY (starts on diagonal row 9, on the corner
    of horizontal row L7 and vertical row B1)

full square c2c crochet pattern:

ROW 1 – A1 (1)
L ROW 2 – A2 (2)
B ROW 3 – A3 (3)
L ROW 4 – A4 (4)
B ROW 5 – A5 (5)
L ROW 6 – A6 (6)
B ROW 7 – A7 (7)
L ROW 8 – A8 (8)
B ROW 9 – A7, B1, A1 (9)
L ROW 10 – A1, B2, A7 (10)
B ROW 11 – A7, B3, A1 (11)
L ROW 12 – A1, B1, C2, B1, A7 (12)
B ROW 13 – A7, B2, C1, B2, A1 (13)
L ROW 14 – A1, B1, A1, C2, D1, B1, A7 (14)
B ROW 15 – A7, B1, D1, B2, A2, B1, A1 (15)

L ROW 16 – A1, B1, E1, A2, B1, D1, B2, A7 (16)
B ROW 17 – A7, B1, D2, B1, A2, E2, B1, A1 (17)
L ROW 18 – A1, B1, C1, E2, A2, D3, B1, A7 (18)
B ROW 19 – A7, B2, D2, A2, E2, C2, B1, A1 (19)
L ROW 20 – A1, B1, E1, C2, B2, A2, D3, B1, A7 (20)
B ROW 21 – A7, B1, D3, A2, B3, C1, E2, B1, A1 (21)
L ROW 22 – A1, B1, A1, E2, B1, D2, B1, A2, D3, B1, A7 (22)
B ROW 23 – A7, B1, D3, A2, B1, D3, B1, E1, A2, B1, A1 (23)
L ROW 24 – A1, B1, D1, A2, E1, B1, D1, A1, D1, B1, A2, D1, B1, D1, B1, A7 (24)
B ROW 25 – A7, B1, D1, B2, A2, B1, D1, A2, D1, B1, A3, B1, A2 (25)
L ROW 26 – A3, B1, A3, B1, D1, A1, D1, B2, A2, B1, D2, B1, A7 (26)
B ROW 27 – A7, B1, D3, A2, B2, D3, B1, A3, B1, A4 (27)
L ROW 28 – A5, B1, A3, B1, D2, B3, A2, D2, B2, A7 (28)

B ROW 29 – A7, B1, D3, A2, B6, A3, B1, A6 (29)
L/T ROW 30 – A7, B1, A3, B2, A1, B3, A2, D3, B1, A7 (30)
R ROW 31 – A6, B2, D2, A2, B3, A2, B1, A3, B1, A7 (29)
T ROW 32 – A7, B1, A3, B1, A2, B3, A2, D3, B1, A5 (28)
R ROW 33 – A4, B1, D3, A2, B3, A2, B1, A3, B1, A7 (27)
T ROW 34 – A7, B1, A3, B1, A1, B1, D2, B1, A2, B4, A3 (26)
R ROW 35 – A2, B1, C2, B1, A2, B1, D3, B2, A3, B1, A7 (25)
T ROW 36 – A7, B1, A3, B2, D1, A1, D1, B1, A2, B1, C1, B2, A1 (24)
R ROW 37 – A1, B1, C2, A2, B1, D1, A2, D1, B1, A3, B1, A7 (23)
T ROW 38 – A7, B1, A3, B1, D1, A1, D1, B1, E1, A2, B2, A1 (22)
R ROW 39 – A1, B1, A2, E1, B1, D3, B1, A3, B1, A7 (21)
T ROW 40 – A7, B1, A3, B1, D2, B1, E2, A1, B1, A1 (20)
R ROW 41 – A1, B1, E2, C1, B3, A3, B1, A7 (19)
T ROW 42 – A7, B1, A3, B2, C2, E1, B1, A1 (18)
R ROW 43 – A1, B1, C2, E2, A3, B1, A7 (17)
T ROW 44 – A7, B1, A3, E2, C1, B1, A1 (16)

R ROW 45 – A1, B1, E2, A3, B1, A7 (15)
T ROW 46 – A7, B1, A3, E1, B1, A1 (14)
R ROW 47 – A1, B1, A3, B1, A7 (13)
T ROW 48 – A7, B1, A2, B1, A1 (12)
R ROW 49 – A1, B1, D1, B1, A7 (11)
T ROW 50 – A7, B2, A1 (10)
R ROW 51 – A1, B1, A7 (9)
T ROW 52 – A8 (8)
R ROW 53 – A7 (7)
T ROW 54 – A6 (6)
R ROW 55 – A5 (5)
T ROW 56 – A4 (4)
R ROW 57 – A3 (3)
T ROW 58 – A2 (2)
R ROW 59 – A1 (1)


love songs cassette tape
Photo by cottonbro studio on

cassette rectangle c2c crochet pattern only:

ROW 9 – B1 (1)
L ROW 10 – B2 (2)
B ROW 11 – B3 (3)
L ROW 12 – B1, C2, B1 (4)
B ROW 13 – B2, C1, B2 (5)
L ROW 14 – B1, A1, C2, D1, B1 (6)
B ROW 15 – B1, D1, B2, A2, B1 (7)
L ROW 16 – B1, E1, A2, B1, D1, B2 (8)
B ROW 17 – B1, D2, B1, A2, E2, B1 (9)
L ROW 18 – B1, C1, E2, A2, D3, B1 (10)
B ROW 19 – B2, D2, A2, E2, C2, B1 (11)
L ROW 20 – B1, E1, C2, B2, A2, D3, B1 (12)
B ROW 21 – B1, D3, A2, B3, C1, E2, B1 (13)
L ROW 22 – B1, A1, E2, B1, D2, B1, A2, D3, B1 (14)
B ROW 23 – B1, D3, A2, B1, D3, B1, E1, A2, B1 (15)
L ROW 24 – B1, D1, A2, E1, B1, D1, A1, D1, B1, A2, D1, B1, D1, B1 (16)

B ROW 25 – B1, D1, B2, A2, B1, D1, A2, D1, B1, A3, B1 (16)
L ROW 26 – B1, A3, B1, D1, A1, D1, B2, A2, B1, D2, B1 (16)
B ROW 27 – B1, D3, A2, B2, D3, B1, A3, B1 (16)
L ROW 28 – B1, A3, B1, D2, B3, A2, D2, B2 (16)
B ROW 29 – B1, D3, A2, B6, A3, B1 (16)
L/T ROW 30 – B1, A3, B2, A1, B3, A2, D3, B1 (16)
R ROW 31 – B2, D2, A2, B3, A2, B1, A3, B1 (16)
T ROW 32 – B1, A3, B1, A2, B3, A2, D3, B1 (16)
R ROW 33 – B1, D3, A2, B3, A2, B1, A3, B1 (16)
T ROW 34 – B1, A3, B1, A1, B1, D2, B1, A2, B4 (16)
R ROW 35 – B1, C2, B1, A2, B1, D3, B2, A3, B1 (16)
T ROW 36 – B1, A3, B2, D1, A1, D1, B1, A2, B1, C1, B2 (16)
R ROW 37 – B1, C2, A2, B1, D1, A2, D1, B1, A3, B1 (15)
T ROW 38 – B1, A3, B1, D1, A1, D1, B1, E1, A2, B2 (14)
R ROW 39 – B1, A2, E1, B1, D3, B1, A3, B1 (13)

T ROW 40 – B1, A3, B1, D2, B1, E2, A1, B1 (12)
R ROW 41 – B1, E2, C1, B3, A3, B1 (11)
T ROW 42 – B1, A3, B2, C2, E1, B1 (10)
R ROW 43 – B1, C2, E2, A3, B1 (9)
T ROW 44 – B1, A3, E2, C1, B1 (8)
R ROW 45 – B1, E2, A3, B1 (7)
T ROW 46 – B1, A3, E1, B1 (6)
R ROW 47 – B1, A3, B1 (5)
T ROW 48 – B1, A2, B1 (4)
R ROW 49 – B1, D1, B1 (3)
T ROW 50 – B2 (2)
R ROW 51 – B1 (1)


Dive into a world of nostalgia with our C2C Digital Crochet Pattern – the perfect crochet graphgan design for fans of retro video games and classic pop culture. This downloadable pattern lets you create your very own crochet blanket square inspired by the iconic pixelated graphics of the 80s and 90s. Designed for crafters who love a throwback, this pattern brings together creativity and nostalgia, allowing you to craft unique pieces that pay homage to your favorite games, movies, and TV shows.

The C2C Digital Crochet Pattern offers easy-to-follow instructions, making it suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to experienced crocheters. With detailed charts and step-by-step guidance, you’ll enjoy every stitch as you transform yarn into a work of art that captures the essence of your pop culture favorites. And the best part? It’s a digital download! Get instant access to your pattern and start stitching right away, with the flexibility to use your own choice of yarn and colors to make each piece uniquely yours.

Key Benefits:

  • Personalized Connection: Create a tangible tribute to your favorite pop culture moments, from video games to cult classic movies, in your own style.
  • Instant Download: No waiting! Download the pattern immediately and start crafting whenever inspiration strikes.
  • Versatile Projects: Ideal for creating blankets, pillows, or wall art, this pattern is flexible and adaptable to a range of creative ideas.

Key Features:

  • Pop Culture Inspired Design: Features a pixelated crochet pattern reminiscent of retro video game graphics, perfect for nostalgic crafters.
  • Comprehensive Instructions: Includes clear step-by-step guidance, charts, and tips, making it accessible for all levels of crochet enthusiasts.
  • Customizable Options: Easily adaptable to different yarn types, colors, and sizes, allowing you to make a truly personalized piece.

With the C2C Digital Crochet Pattern, you have the freedom to bring a touch of vintage charm to your next crochet project. Whether you’re crafting a cozy blanket or a statement piece for your home, this pattern can be combined with others for endless possibilities for customization. Perfect for crafters who love a pop culture twist, this digital pattern will help you create a masterpiece that’s both meaningful and memorable!

Happy Collecting!